
姓       名:邬国锋

职       称:教授

研究方向:遥感应用 - 自然资源与生态环境




1 两栖无人机应用研究, 深圳市科技创新委员会基础研究重点项目(JCYJ20210324120207020), 纵向, 主持, 2021.8.1-2024.8.31
2 滨海滩涂湿地生态恢复与功能提升技术(2017YFC0506200)-滨海滩涂湿地适应性管理与智能决策系统(2017YFC0506206), 2017年国家重点研发计划“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究”重点专项, 负责人-邬国锋, 参与人-胡忠文, 2017-2020 年
3 红树林健康评价技术研究(JCYJ20151117105543692), 深圳市科技创新委员会基础研究学科布局项目, 负责人-邬国锋, 2016-2018 年
4 深圳市滨海湿地景观格局遥感监测(暂无合同号), 深圳大学新引进高端人才财政补助科研启动经费, 负责人-邬国锋, 2014-2016 年
5 冠层和景观尺度植物质量高光谱遥感反演方法与机理(41171290), 国家自然科学基金, 负责人-邬国锋, 2012-2015 年
6 无锡市太湖流域湿地生态系统退化趋势与退化机理研究-《太湖流域湿地生态系统退化现状及退化机理研究》子课题(200904001-(5)), 财政部林业公益性行业科研专项经费, 负责人-邬国锋, 2009-2013 年
7 广西壮族自治区滨海湿地生态系统服务功能与评估技术研究(201404305), 财政部林业公益性行业科研专项经费, 负责人-邬国锋, 2014-2016 年
8 基于生物光学模型和高光谱遥感的悬浮泥沙浓度反演方法研究-以鄱阳湖光学深水区为例(40971191), 国家自然科学基金, 负责人-邬国锋, 2010-2012 年
9 华南西部滨海湿地地质调查与生态环境评价-《北部湾重点区滨海湿地遥感调查》子课题(1212010914020-1-1), 中国地质调查局, 负责人-邬国锋, 2009-2010 年
1 Demei Zhao, Yinghui Zhang, Junjie Wang*, Jianing Zhen, Zhen Shen, Kunlun Xiang, Haoli Xiang, Yongquan Wang, Guofeng Wu*. Spatiotemporal dynamics and geo-environmental factors influencing mangrove gross primary productivity during 2000-2020 in Gaoqiao Mangrove Reserve, China. Forest Ecosystems, 2023, 10: 100137.
2 Chao Yang, Huizeng Liu, Qingquan Li*, Xuqing Wang, Wei Ma, Cuiling Liu, Xu Fang, Yuzhi Tang, Tiezhu Shi, Qibiao Wang, Yue Xu, Jie Zhang, Xuecao Li, Gang Xu, Junyi Chen, Mo Su, Shuying Wang, Jinjing Wu, Leping Huang, Xue Li, Guofeng Wu*. Human expansion into Asian highlands in the 21st Century and its effects. Nature Communications, 2022, 13: 4955.
3 Huizeng Liu, Qingquan Li*, Ping Zhu, Zhongwen Hu, Chao Yang, Yongquan Wang, Aihong Cui, Zuomin Wang, Guofeng Wu*. A Glimpse of Ocean Color Remote Sensing from Moon-based Earth Observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60: 4206811.
4 Huizeng Liu, Xianqiang He, Xianjun Hu, Kai Guo, Joji Ishizaka, Susanne Kratzer, Chao Yang, Tiezhu Shi, Shuibo Hu, Qingquan Li, Qiming Zhou, Guofeng Wu*. Evaluation of ocean colour atmospheric correction methods for Sentinel-3 OLCI using global automatic in-situ observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 405: 115399.
5 Chao Yang, Wenhao Guo, Chenchen Zhang, Aihong Cui, Xuecao Li, Tianhong Zhao, Huizeng Liu, Tiezhu Shi, Gang Xu, Xu Fang, Xu Liu, Kangyong Zhang, Peng Gong, Qingquan Li*, Guofeng Wu*. Characteristics and trends of hillside urbanization in China from 2007 to 2017. Habitat International, 2022, 120: 102502.
6 Chao Yang, Rongling Xia, Qingquan Li*, Huizeng Liu, Tiezhu Shi, Guofeng Wu*. Comparing hillside urbanizations of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area urban agglomerations in China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2021, 102: 102460.
7 Huizeng Liu, Xianqiang He, Qingquan Li, Susanne Kratzer, Junjie Wang, Tiezhu Shi, Zhongwen Hu, Chao Yang, Shuibo Hu, Qiming Zhou, Guofeng Wu*. Estimating Ultraviolet Reflectance from Visible Bands in Ocean Color Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 258: 112404.
8 Huizeng Liu, Qingquan Li, Yan Bai, Chao Yang, Junjie Wang, Qiming Zhou, Shuibo Hu, Tiezhu Shi, Xiaomei Liao, Guofeng Wu*. Improving Satellite Retrieval of Oceanic Particulate Organic Carbon Concentrations using Machine Learning Methods. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2021, 256: 112316.
9 Tiezhu Shi, Chao Yang, Huizeng Liu, Chao Wu, Zhihua Wang, He Li, Huifang Zhang, Long Guo, Guofeng Wu*, Fenzhen Su. Mapping lead concentrations in urban topsoil using proximal and remote sensing data and hybrid statistical approaches. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 272: 116041.
10 Chao Yang, Huizeng Liu, Qingquan Li*, Aihong Cui, Rongling Xia, Tiezhu Shi, Jie Zhang, Wenxiu Gao, Xiang Zhou, Guofeng Wu*. Rapid Urbanization Induced Extensive Forest Loss to Urban Land in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, China. Chinese Geographical Science, 2021, 31(1): 93–108.
11 Chao Yang, Chenchen Zhang, Qingquan Li*, Huizeng Liu, Wenxiu Gao, Tiezhu Shi, Xu Liu, Guofeng Wu*. Rapid urbanization and policy variation greatly drive ecological quality evolution in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area of China: A remote sensing perspective. Ecological Indicators. 2020, 115(SCI).
12 Xuanyan Dong, Yue Xu, Leping Huang, Zhigang Liu, Yi Xu, Kangyong Zhang, Zhongwen Hu*, Guofeng Wu. Exploring Impact of Spatial Unit on Urban Land Use Mapping with Multisource Data. Remote Sensing. 2020, 12(21)(SCI).
13 Zhaocong Wu, Min Ni, Zhongwen Hu*, Junjie Wang, Qingquan Li, Guofeng Wu. Mapping invasive plant with UAV-derived 3D mesh model in mountain areas – A case study in Shenzhen coast, China . International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2019, 99(SCI).
14 ChaoYang, QingquanLi*, ZhongwenHu, JunyiChen, TiezhuShi, KaiDing, GuofengWu*. Spatiotemporal evolution of urban agglomerations in four major bay areas of US, China and Japan from 1987 to 2017: Evidence from remote sensing images. Science of The Total Environment. 2019, 671(25), 232-247. (SCI).
15 Chao Yang, Guofeng Wu, Junyi Chen, Qingquan Li*, Kai Ding, Guihua Wang, Chenchen Zhang. Simulating and forecasting spatio-temporal characteristic of land-use/cover change with numerical model and remote sensing: a case study in Fuxian Lake Basin, China. European Journal of Remote Sensing. 2019, 53, 1-11. (SCI).
16 杨超, 李清泉*, 邬国锋. 云龙水库流域—全球变化数据大百科辞条. 全球变化科学研究数据出版系统. 2019, DOI:10.3974/geodb.2019.04.12.V(CSCD).
17 杨超, 李清泉*, 邬国锋. 云龙水库流域. 全球变化数据学报 (中英文版). 2019, 3(2), 203-204. (CSCD).
18 Chao Yang, Qingquan Li*, Tianhong Zhao, Huizeng Liu, Wenxiu Gao, Tiezhu Shi, Minglei Guan, Guofeng Wu. Detecting Spatiotemporal Features and Rationalities of Urban Expansions within the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macau Greater Bay Area of China from 1987 to 2017 Using Time-Series Landsat Images and Socioeconomic Data. Remote Sensing. 2019, 11, 2215. (SCI).
19 Junjie Wang, Yiyun Chen, Fangyuan Chen, Tiezhu Shi, Guofeng Wu*. Wavelet-based coupling of leaf and canopy reflectance spectra to improve the estimation accuracy of foliar nitrogen concentration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018, 248, 306-315. (SCI).
20 杨超, 邬国锋, 李清泉*, 王金亮, 渠立权, 丁凯. 植被遥感分类方法研究进展 (综述). 地理与地理信息科学. 2018, 34(4), 24-32. (CSCD).
21 Zhongwen Hu*, Qian Zhang*, Qin Zou, Qingquan Li, Guofeng Wu. Stepwise Evolution Analysis of Region Merging Segmentation for Scale Parameterisation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 2018, 99(doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2018.2833102)(SCI).
22 Tiezhu Shi, Long Guo, Yiyun Chen, Weixi Wang, Zhou Shi, Qingquan Li, Guofeng Wu*. Proximal and remote sensing techniques for mapping of soil contamination with heavy metals. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. 2018, 10(SCI).
23 Huizeng Liu, Tiezhu Shi, Yiyun Chen, Junjie Wang, Teng Fei, Guofeng Wu*. Improving Spectral Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Content through Semi-Supervised Regression. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(1)(SCI).
24 Tiezhu Shi, Huizeng Liu, Yiyun Chen, Teng Fei, Junjie Wang, Guofeng Wu*. Spectroscopic diagnosis of arsenic contamination in agricultural soils. Sensors. 2017, 17(SCI).
25 Feng Yang, Guofeng Wu*, Yunyan Du*, Xiangwei Zhao. Trajectory Data Mining via Cluster Analyses for Tropical Cyclones That Affect the South China Sea. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2017, 6(7), 210. (SCI).
26 Huizeng Liu, Qingquan Li, Tiezhu Shi, Shuibo Hu, Guofeng Wu*, Qiming Zhou*. Application of Sentinel 2 MSI Images to Retrieve Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations in Poyang Lake. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(7)(SCI).
27 Chao Yang, Guofeng Wu, Kai Ding, Tiezhu Shi, Qingquan Li*, Jinliang Wang*. Improving Land Use/Land Cover Classification by Integrating Pixel Unmixing and Decision Tree Methods. Remote Sensing. 2017, 9(12), 1222-1237. (SCI).
28 刘会增, 石铁柱, 王俊杰, 陈奕云, 邬国锋*. 利用区域土壤光谱库研究土壤有机碳 反演模型传递性. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2016, 47(7), 889-895. (EI).
29 Zhongwen Hu, Qingquan Li*, Qian Zhang, Guofeng Wu. Representation of Block-Based Image Features in a Multi-Scale Framework for Built-Up Area Detection. Remote Sensing. 2016, 8(2), 155. (SCI).
30 Junjie Wang, Tiezhu Shi, Huizeng Liu, Guofeng Wu*. Successive projections algorithm-based three-band vegetation index for foliar phosphorus estimation. Ecological Indicators. 2016, 67, 12-20. (SCI). 
31 Fangyuan Chen, Guofeng Wu*, Junjie Wang, Junjun He, Yihan Wang. A MODIS-Based Retrieval Model of Suspended Particulate Matter Concentration for the Two Largest Freshwater Lakes in China. Sustainability. 2016, 8(8), 832. (SCI).
32 Feng Yang, Peng Hui, Yunyan Du*, Guofeng Wu*. A GIS study of the influences of warm ocean eddies on the intensity variations of tropical cyclones in the South China Sea. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2016, 5(10), 169. (SCI).
33 王俊杰, 刘珏, 石铁柱, 邬国锋*. 基于 CA-Markov 模型的自然保护区土地利用变化分析. 安徽农业大学学报. 2016, 43(5), 780-786. (中文核心).
34 王俊杰, 刘珏, 石铁柱, 邬国锋*. 1990-2015 年广西廉州湾红树林遥感动态监测. 森林与环境学报. 2016, 36(4), 455-460. (中文核心).
35 李洪忠*, 李清泉, 邬国锋. The Impacts of Building Orientation on Polarimetric Orientation Angle Estimation and Model-based Decomposition for Multi-look Polarimatric SAR Data in Urban Areas. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2016, 54(SCI).
36 李洪忠*, 李清泉, 邬国锋. Mitigation of Reflection Symmetry Assumption and Negative Power Problems for the Model Based Decomposition. IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2016, 54(SCI).
37 李清泉, 卢艺, 胡水波, 胡忠文, 李洪忠, 刘鹏, 石铁柱, 汪驰升, 王俊杰, 邬国锋*. 海岸带地理环境遥感监测综述. 遥感学报. 2016, 20(5)(中文核心).
38 Chisheng Wang, Qingquan Li*, Yanxiong Liu, Guofeng Wu, Peng Liu, Xiaoli Ding. A comparison of waveform processing algorithms for single-wavelength LiDAR bathymetry. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2015, 101, 22-35. (SCI).
39 Guofeng Wu*, Lijuan Cui, Liangjie Liu, Fangyuan Chen, Teng Fei, Yaolin Liu. Statistical model development and estimation of suspended particulate matter concentrations with Landsat 8 OLI images of Dongting Lake, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2015, 36(1), 343-360. (SCI).
40 Wang Junjie, Wang Tiejun, Andrew K. Skidmore, Shi Tiezhu, Wu Guofeng*. Evaluating different methods for grass nutrient estimation from canopy hyperspectral reflectance . Remote Sensing. 2015, 7(5), 5901-5917. (SCI).
41 Tiezhu Shi, Junjie Wang, Huizeng Liu, Guofeng Wu*. Estimating leaf nitrogen concentration in heterogeneous crop plants from hyperspectral reflectance. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2015, 36(18), 4652-4667. (SCI).
42 陈海珍, 石铁柱, 邬国锋*. 近 40 年武汉市湖泊景观动态遥感分析. 湖泊科学. 2015, 27, 745-754. (中文核心).
43 Junjie Wang , Tiejun Wang , Tiezhu Shi, Guofeng Wu*, Andrew K. Skidmore . A Wavelet-Based Area Parameter for Indirectly Estimating Copper Concentration in Carex Leaves from Canopy Reflectance. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7(11), 15340-15360. (SCI).
44 Yin Gao, Lijuan Cui, Bing Lei, Yanfang Zhai, Tiezhu Shi, Junjie Wang, Yiyun Chen, Hui He, Guofeng Wu*. Estimating soil organic carbon content with visible/near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy. 2014, 68(7), 712-722. (SCI).
45 Guofeng Wu*, Liangjie Liu, Fangyuan Chen, Teng Fei. Developing MODIS-based retrieval models of suspended particulate matter concentration in Dongting Lake, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2014, 32, 46-53. (SCI).
46 Tiezhu Shi, Yiyun Chen, Huizeng Liu, Junjie Wang, Guofeng Wu*. Soil Organic Carbon Content Estimation with Laboratory-Based Visible‐Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy: Feature Selection. Applied Spectroscopy. 2014, 68, 831-837. (SCI).
47 Tiezhu Shi, Huizeng Liu, Junjie Wang, Yiyun Chen, Guofeng Wu*. Monitoring Arsenic Contamination in Agricultural Soils with Reflectance Spectroscopy of Rice Plants. Environmental Science & Technology. 2014, 48, 6264-6272. (SCI).
48 Xiaomeng Chang, Qingquan Li*. Estimating Real-Time Traffic Carbon Dioxide Emissions Based on Intelligent Transportation System Technologies. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 2013, 14(1), 469-479. (SCI).
49 Guofeng Wu*, Lijuan Cui, Hongtao Duan, Teng Fei, Yaolin Liu. An approach for developing Landsat-5 TM-based retrieval models of suspended particulate matter concentration with the assistance of MODIS. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2013, 85, 84-92. (SCI).
50 崔丽娟, 翟彦放, 邬国锋*. 鄱阳湖采砂南移扩大影响范围—多源遥感的证据. 生态学报. 2013, 33(11), 3520-3525. (其它).
51 Guofeng Wu, Lijuan Cui, Junjun He, Hongtao Duan, TengFei, Yaolin Liu. Comparison of MODIS-based models for retrieving suspended particulate matter concentrations in Poyang Lake, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2013, 24, 63-72. (SCI).
52 Guofeng Wu*, Lijuan Cui, Hongtao Duan, TengFei, Yaolin Liu. Specific absorption and backscattering coefficients of suspended particulate matter in Poyang Lake, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2013, 185, 4191-4206. (SCI).
53 Lijuan Cui, YueQiu, TengFei, Yaolin Liu, Guofeng Wu*. Using remotely sensed suspended sediment concentration variation to improve management of Poyang Lake, China. Lake and Reservoir Management. 2013, 29, 47-60. (SCI).
54 Lijuan Cui, TengFei, Qiong Qi, Yaolin Liu, Guofeng Wu*. Estimating Carex quality with laboratory-based hyperspectral measurements. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2013, 34, 1866-1878. (SCI).
55 Tiezhu Shi, Lijuan Cui, Junjie Wang, Teng Fei, Yiyun Chen, Guofeng Wu*. Comparison of multivariate methods for estimating soil total nitrogen with visible/near-infrared spectroscopy. Plant and Soil. 2013, 336, 363-375. (SCI).
56 Guofeng Wu, Lijuan Cui, Hongtao Duan, TengFei, Yaolin Liu. Absorption, backscattering coefficients and their relations to water constituents of Poyang Lake, China. Applied Optics. 2011, 50, 6358-6368. (SCI).
57 Guofeng Wu, Jan de Leeuw, Andrew K. Skidmore, Yaolin Liu, Herbert H. T. Prins. Comparison of extrapolation and interpolation methods for estimating daily photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) – a case study of the Poyang Lake national nature reserve, China. Geo-Spatial Information Science. 2010, 13(4), 235-342. (其它).
58 Yaolin Liu, Hui Chen, Guofeng Wu*. Feasibility of estimating heavy metal concentrations in PhragmitesAustralis using laboratory-based hyperspectral data along Le'an River, China. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2010, 12, 166-170. (SCI).
59 Jan de Leeuw, David Shankman, Guofeng Wu, Willem Frederik de Boer, James Burnham, Qing He, HerveYesou, Jing Xiao. Strategic assessment of the magnitude and impacts of sand mining in Poyang Lake, China. Regional Environmental Change. 2010, 10, 95-102. (SCI).
60 Guofeng Wu, Jan De Leeuw, Andrew K. Skidmore, Yaolin Liu. Performance of Landsat TM in ship detection in turbid waters. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. 2009, 11, 54-61. (SCI).
61 Lijuan Cui, Guofeng Wu*, Yaolin Liu. Monitoring the impact of backflow and dredging on water clarity using MODIS images of Poyang Lake, China. Hydrological processes. 2009, 23, 342-350. (SCI).
62 Guofeng Wu, Jan de Leeuw, Yaolin Liu. Understanding the seasonal dynamics of water clarity in Lake Dahuchi from in situ and remote sensing data. Water Resources Management. 2009, 23, 1849-1861. (SCI).
63 Guofeng Wu, Jan de Leeuw, Andrew K. Skidmore, Herbert H. T. Prins, Elly P. H. Best, Yaolin Liu. Will the Three Gorges Dam positively affect the underwater light climate of Vallisneriaspiralis L. and food habitat of Siberian crane in Poyang Lake?. Hydrobiologia. 2009, 623, 213-222. (SCI).
64 邬国锋, 崔丽娟. 基于遥感技术的鄱阳湖-长江水体清浊倒置现象的分析. 长江流域资源与环境. 2009, 18, 777-782. (其它).
65 邬国锋, 崔丽娟, 纪伟涛. 基于时间序列MODIS影像的鄱阳湖丰水期悬浮泥沙浓度反演及变化分析. 湖泊科学. 2009, 21, 288-297. (其它).
66 Guofeng Wu, Jan De Leeuw, Andrew K. Skidmore, Herbert H. T. Prins, Yaolin Liu. Comparison of MODIS and Landsat TM5 images for mapping tempo-spatial dynamics of Secchi disk depths in Poyang Lake national nature reserve, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2008, 29(8), 2183-2198. (SCI).
67 邬国锋, 崔丽娟. 基于遥感技术的采砂对鄱阳湖水体透明度的影响. 生态学报. 2008, 18, 6113-6120. (其它).
68 邬国锋, 刘耀林, 纪伟涛. 基于TM影像的水体透明度反演模型-以江西鄱阳湖国家自然保护区为例. 湖泊科学. 2007, 19, 235-240. (其它).
69 Guofeng Wu, Yaolin Liu, Tiejun Wang. Methods and strategy for modeling daily global solar radiation with measured meteorological data – a case study in Nanchang station, China. Energy Conversion and Management. 2007, 48, 2447-2452. (SCI).
70 Guofeng Wu, Jan De Leeuw, Andrew K. Skidmore, Herbert H. T. Prins, Yaolin Liu. Concurrent monitoring of vessels and water turbidity enhances strength of evidence in remotely sensed dredging impact assessment. Water Research. 2007, 41, 3271-3280. (SCI).
71 邬国锋, 刘耀林, 纪伟涛. 利用Landsat 5 TM影像估算沉水植物地上生物量的研究——以江西省鄱阳湖国家自然保护区为例. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 2006, 31, 953-957. (EI).
72 Sen Jia, Jie Hu, Guihua Tang, Linlin Shen, Lin Deng. Gabor Feature Based Dictionary Fusion For Hyperspectral Imagery Classification. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2015). Milan, Italy, undefined(null).
73 Huizeng Liu, Guofeng Wu, Tiezhu Shi, Zengyun Hu, Qiming Zhou*. Estimating orthophosphate phosphorus concentration in Shenzhen Bay with remote sensing and legacy in-situ measurements. 2016 4th International Workshop on Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA). 2016, undefined(EI).